Discussion (EZBoard)
IC Board (Yahoo! Groups)

-Timber Maniacs
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Starting Over
Should we start the story over again, since the ending of the game, or should we continue from what was already done in the Club?

Yes! Start over!

No! Let's continue!

...I don't know...

Current Results

Incendite Tenebras Mundi - Make Light Shine In The World's Darkness

It's been some time since I made an update here. But let me make something clear. Although, I haven't fixed all the links here, I want to say that we are NOT going to be using the EZBoards for our RP. Instead, the EZBoards will be used for discussion on general subjects on Final Fantasy VIII. By May 20th, you're either in or your out, if you've already logged in. New members will be accepted, but older members who are not posting will be kicked out. Sorry! But I have to separate the boys from the men. ;) (Or the girls from the women...) Let's get ready!!

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This site's been going on for a while now. I've been working hard to make this RP perfect. Sometimes too hard, I think, because I didn't want my ideas of RP to be warped. I think I've kept things pretty true to my idea, while still trying to leave it acceptable in the eyes of the members. However, I'm always looking for suggestions. So, please, e-mail me with your suggestions!

Copyrights & Linkware
All images, characters, etc. in relative to Final Fantasy VIII are copyrights of Squaresoft. The original design idea is from Daydream Graphics. All graphics and HTML are copyright© of Dragon Spooker.

This site belongs to Squall Mercenary of SeeD. Original Design by DaydreamGraphics.com and Dragon Spooker.