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Yahoo! Clubs finalfantasyviii8rp Where the club resides, and all the RPing's done.

Yahoo! Clubs finalfantasyviii8rp's Official Homepage! http://finalfantasy.iwarp.com Only THE greatest website on the web! Designed by Hachiman Daibosatsu, himself! (Squall_Mercenary_of_SeeD, myself... ;D) Am I just giving this WONDERFUL, OVERWORKED author TOOOO MUUCHH CREDIT!! NOOO!! 'Cause HTML is H-A-R-D! HARD!! O.O

Final Fantasy Online!Great place for general Final Fantasy information, not just FFVIII.

Chocobo World!Chocobo World! Learn all there is about the great Chocobos... ok, so there's not a whole lot, but HEY!!---Don't look a gift Chocobo between the talons!!

Final Fantasy VIII Game Gurus!This is where I went BEFORE I got the Official Strategy Guide.

Final Fantasy ROMs!Has some of the best Final Fantasy SNES ROMs. I recommend them all, although my favorite is FFIV(Hardtype-Japanese)

Astro Creep's - Final Fantasy VIII - MIDIs!I happend to come across this on my Fav. List. For (Obviously) Final Fantasy VIII MIDIs, go here!

Final Fantasy VIII Online Desktop!An interesting place, reflecting a Windows Active Desktop. I'm sure you've run into a website like this, at least once in your internet life-time.

Anime Inn - Final Fantasy 8 Wallpaper Gallery!This, as well, happend to appear on my Fav. List. A wallpaper gallery... TONS of wallpaper!

Wanna be up here with the greats?!E-Mail me!

This site belongs to Squall Mercenary of SeeD. Original Design by DaydreamGraphics.com and Dragon Spooker.